specbos 1211-2

Broadband Spectroradiometer

DISCONTINUED - Please see specbos 2501.

specbos 1211-2 is a miniaturized and fast broadband spectroradiometer covering the wavelength range from 350 ... 1000 nm (the special version specbos 1211-UV-2 extends the range in UV down to 230 nm). It can be used for various applications both in lab as well as in production and can measure in Radiance mode based on its NIST traceable calibration.

To extend the device to Irradiance mode, please order the standard diffuser for specbbos.

On special request it is possible to calibrate specbos 1211-2 in Radiant Intensity mode.


  • Wavelength range 350 nm to 1000 nm (specbos 1211-UV-2 from 230 nm to 1000 nm)
  • Measurement in Radiance (basic configuration) and Irradiance mode (diffusor required)
  • Radiometric software JETI LiVal included
  • Start of measurement with external trigger signal
  • Highly sensitive
  • Internal target spot laser
  • Mechanical shutter for dark signal compensation
  • Automatic measurement in selectable time intervals
  • USB powered – mobile
Spectroradiometer JETI specbos 1211-2
Spectroradiometer JETI specbos 1211-2
specbos 1211-2: Monitor measurement
specbos 1211-2: Monitor measurement
specbos 1211-UV-2: UV measurement in an aquarium
specbos 1211-UV-2: UV measurement in an aquarium
specbos 1211-UV-2: Measurement in a terrarium. Credit: SkalibrujTV.pl
specbos 1211-UV-2: Measurement in a terrarium. Credit: SkalibrujTV.pl
specbos 1211-UV-2 with accessories
specbos 1211-UV-2 with accessories
specbos 1211-2: Scope of delivery
specbos 1211-2: Scope of delivery

specbos 1211-2 is also available in the following special versions:


Optical parameters

  • Spectral range
350 (230) … 1000 nm
  • Optical bandwidth
4.5 nm
  • Measuring range
Luminance 0.2 … 100 000 cd/m²
Illuminance 1 … 1 500 000 lx

Measuring quantities

  • Illuminance (basic configuration), Irradiance (diffusor required)
  • xy and u' v' coordinates
  • Dominant wavelength, Color purity
  • Correlated Color Temperature (CCT)
  • CRI, CQS, TM-30, TLCI, RGB
  • Circadian metrics, PAR


specbos 1211-2 can be delivered with various interfaces

specbos 1211-2
specbos 1211-UV-2
specbos 1211-RS-2
specbos 1211-UV-RS-2
specbos 1211-BT-2
specbos 1211-UV
specbos 1211-LAN-2
specbos 1211-UV-LAN-2
USB2.0 RS232 and USB2.0
(power supply necessary for RS232 operation)
Bluetooth and USB2.0 LAN and USB2.0
(power supply neccessary)


To open or to close, please click the desired underlined category.


Standard diffusor (ACC 013/1)
A standard diffusor is available to extend the measuring possibilities of specbos 1211-2 to spectral Irradiance.

Diffusors with attenuation filter (ACC 013 ODx.x)

specbos 1211-2 with its standard diffusor can measure up to about 150.000 lx (typical white LED spectrum). If it is necessary to measure higher Illuminances, then a special diffusor with additional attenuation filter can be used. It is possible to measure illuminance up to 1.500.000 lx.

Fast diffusors (ACC 013 Med, ACC 013 High)
If low Illuminance levels must be measured, then the measuring time will be long when using the standard diffusor of the device. It is possible to use “fast” diffusors, but only if the cosine matching of the diffusor is not of primary importance, e.g. in case of point like sources.

90° diffusor (ACC 012)
The standard diffusor of the device acts in line to the device. If the Illuminance at a low height above a surface needs to be measured, then the 90° diffusor can be applied. It is also available with attenuation filters to extend the Illuminance measuring range (ACC 012 ODx.x).

In axis remote diffusor (ACC 015-length)
If the measurement needs to be done in locations with limited space conditions then the remote diffusor can be used. It is a diffusor which is coupled to the spectraval device by an optical fiber bundle. The measurement is done in axis to the fiber bundle. Different fiber lengths are available.

90° remote diffusor, (ACC 019-length)
If the measurement needs to be done under limited space conditions and the in axis fiber coupled diffusor is not suited, then the 90° fiber coupled diffusor can be applied. Different fiber lengths are available.

Dome diffusor
The dome diffusor is equipped with a glass dom (silica for specbos 1211UV-2) and it is IP67 tested. It can be mounted on roofs or outdoor walls and allows a detection of the optical sky radiation. The standard length of the fiberoptic bundle is 3 m, so also longer distances between the measuring location and the indoor position of the measuring device can be spanned.


Dolby/realD filter cap pairs
The calibration of 3D projectors needs to be done through the right and left eye glasses. specbos 1211-2 can be equipped with caps containing the filters of Dolby (ACC 014) and realD (ACC 017) projection. The usage of these filter pairs allows a precise measurement of these 3D projection system.

VIS filter (ACC 016)
specbos 1211-2 can be equipped with a VIS filter to reduce its wavelength range to 380 … 780 nm. This is especially interesting for measurements with a low VIS intensity but much signal in IR or UV.

Imaging optics

Imaging optics for small spot sizes

specbos 1211-2 in its standard configuration can measure in Radiance mode only with diameters of 4 mm and more. Applications as the measurement of small segments of displays or small sized OLEDs may need smaller diameters. Therefore, JETI offers three imaging optics to reduce the measuring diameter.

Special imaging optics

Special imaging optics for specbos 1211-2
In some applications it is necessary to create a specified measuring diameter in a specified distance.
This can be realized with customer specific optics.

Beam shaping optics
It is not necessary to adjust the optics of specbos 1211-2 in Radiance mode, the measuring spot is sharp at any distance and the viewing angle is always 1.8°. If a specific measuring spot diameter is required, this can be set by selecting the appropriate measuring distance. In some cases this is not possible due to space limitations, e.g. in production measurements or in special set ups. Therefore, different beam shaping optics are available.

Integrating spheres

The functionality of JETI specbos 1211-2 can be extended to radiant flux measurements. It can be attached to an integrating sphere. Two different models are available. The port and baffle design are compatible to the LM-79 and similar standards. The sample ports are compatible to 1.5” LED holders. Another port design is possible on request.

Default sphere diameters are 300 and 500 mm, other diameters are possible on request. The sample ports are compatible to 1.5” LED holders. Another port design is possible on request.

300 mm sphere (OPS300)
This sphere with an inner diameter of 300 mm can be used for 2π measurements as LEDs.

500 mm sphere (OPS500)
The sphere with a diameter of 500 mm is hinged, therefore it can be used for 2π and 4π measurements as well. It contains an auxiliary lamp, which can be darkened by a manual shutter.


Straylight protection tube (ACC 046 scb)

The straylight protection tube prevents the influence of surrounding light on Radiance measurements. It is mainly used for display measurements. The fixed length of the tube is 16 cm.


LED measurement


Light effects


  • Application of different color matching functions
  • Long term measurements of daylight and in green houses
  • Metameric calculation
  • Special new “Visual appearance” calculations

External software

External software

Program Manufacturer Software Driver Firmware specbos 1211 SDK (DLL)
External Software packages
CalMAN Portrait Displays 5.9.0 2.12.28 1.71 4.4.0
LightSpace Light Illusion 7.1.7 2.12.28 1.70 4.4.0
ColourSpace Light Illusion 2.12.28 1.70 4.4.0
ChromaPure DisplayCalibrations   3.0.8 2.12.28 1.71 4.4.0
Truelight FilmLight 4.0.6354   3.0.0  
HCFR open source 2.08.30 3.0.0  
ArgyllCMS open source 1.9.1   3.0.0  
ArgyllPro open source 1.1   3.0.2  
Hardware related software
Monitor_AutoWhite Adjustment Sony 2.12.28 1.54 4.4.0
Monitor Calibration JVC 2.0.7 2.08.24 1.71   
CL-Soft TVLogic 1.6.2 T3 2.08.24 1.71 3.0.0
Calibrator TVLogic 1.7.1R1   3.2.3. 4.0.18
sonoVTSDisplayCenterQ sonoVTS 0.72    2.0 3.2.3
ColorNavigator EIZO   3.2.6  
Plura Calibration Suite 3G Plura 2.0      3.0.0
Monitor Calibrator BON 2.0.3    3.0.0 3.2.3
Boland (CalMAN) Portrait Displays special worksheet
IS-mini Manager Fujifilm 2.2.2 2.08.30 3.0.2 3.2.3

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