Adjustment of digital projectors in cinemas

The installation of digital projectors in cinemas requires the adjustment of their color settings. This is necessary to compensate the individual influences of the theatre, e.g. screen reflexion parameters, the back reflexion from the audience and the effect of the security lights. JETI spectraval 1501 can be used for this task, because it is small and fast to use.

Measurement in a cinema
Measurement in a cinema
Device with laser target
Device with laser target

The measurement is proceeded with the included universal radiometric software JETI LiVal. The measuring area is marked with a red cicle which can conveniently be seen on the projection screen (see figure). The measured colorimetric data can be transfered to the projector by the laptop (e.g. using WLAN). Alternatively it is possible to locate the laptop near the projector and to communicate with the spectraval device via Bluetooth. After the automatic correction of the projector settings a check measurement must be done to validate whether the required values are achieved.


  • easy operation
  • low weight
  • easy connection to a Laptop via USB or Bluetooth
  • power supply via USB or battery
  • software JETI LiVal Windows 7/8/10 compatible
  • data transfer to Excel and other calculation programs
  • visualization of measuring area by a laser circle
  • precise measuring results
  • Luminance precision: ±2%

The measurements for 3D projection must be done through the right and left eye glass of the viewer. spectraval 1501 can be delivered with filter caps for Dolby 3D and RealD projection. This simplifies the measurement and ensures precise results.

Screenshot with large display of measuring results in the Preset/ Custom menu of the software (the Luminance value can be switched to fL)
Screenshot with large display of measuring results in the Preset/ Custom menu of the software (the Luminance value can be switched to fL)
Glasses in front of a spectraval 1501
Glasses in front of a spectraval 1501
spectraval Dolby filter cap
spectraval Dolby filter cap
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